AI Christmas? Celebrating the holidays with new technologies!

What happens when you ask an artificial intelligence what the perfect Christmas looks like? This is the answer: The perfect Christmas looks like a cozy and festive atmosphere with twinkling lights, a beautifully decorated tree, and the smell of delicious food cooking in the kitchen. It includes spending time with loved ones, exchanging thoughtful gifts, and enjoying laughter and good conversation. The perfect Christmas also involves giving back to those in need and spreading joy and kindness to others. Ultimately, the perfect Christmas is one filled with love, warmth, and cherished memories. 

This year, we have a new way to enjoy Christmas celebrations with the help of AI.
We used ChatGPT to write a Christmas story about our company, including food and drink recommendations and gift ideas for techies. The story is sure to entertain you, so grab a hot drink (recipe below
😉) and get cozy. 

AI written christmas Story: 

The Hackathon Company was a young tech startup that had quickly made a name for itself in the IT recruiting and hackathon world. The company was founded by Oli, a visionary CEO who had a passion for bringing together talented individuals to solve complex problems through innovative technology solutions. 

 The company was currently working on developing a new platform that would revolutionize the way companies recruited IT talent. Their innovative approach to hackathons had garnered attention from major tech companies and startups alike. As the holiday season approached, the team at The Hackathon Company was buzzing with excitement as they prepared for their annual Christmas Party. 

 The office was decorated with twinkling lights and festive decorations, and there was a sense of anticipation in the air as everyone looked forward to letting loose and celebrating their hard work over the past year. Oli had even arranged for an ugly holiday sweater contest and a Secret Santa gift exchange to add to the festive spirit. 

 As the day of the party arrived, the team gathered in the office wearing their most outrageous holiday sweaters. Sebastian sported a sweater adorned with blinking lights, while Dahnah’s sweater featured a 3D reindeer with googly eyes. Karan had gone all out with a sweater covered in jingling bells, and Georgi’s sweater was emblazoned with a giant snowman. 

 The party kicked off with eggnog and hot chocolate flowing freely as everyone mingled and chatted about their plans for the holidays. The team members exchanged their Secret Santa gifts, each one carefully chosen to reflect their colleague’s personality and interests. There were plenty of laughs as they unwrapped their presents, from quirky desk accessories to personalized tech gadgets. 

 As the evening progressed, Oli stood up to make a toast, expressing his gratitude for his dedicated team and their hard work throughout the year. He spoke about how proud he was of what they had accomplished together and how much he valued each and every one of them. The room filled with warmth as everyone raised their glasses in celebration. 

 Just then, there was a knock on the door, and in walked Santa Claus himself! The team erupted into cheers as Santa handed out gifts to each member of The Hackathon Company. It was clear that Oli had gone above and beyond.  

Search: Write a funny and beautiful christmas story about The Hackathon Company 


‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through The Hackathon Company, 
Not a coder was stirring, not even a mouse click could be heard. 
The laptops were stacked on the desks with care, 
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.

The team was nestled all snug in their chairs, 
While visions of bug fixes danced in their heads. 
And the CEO in his hoodie, and I in my cap, 
Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap. 

When out in the office there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter. 
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, 
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer. 

Wondering what you could gift a Techie? ChatGPT got you. 

  • Smart home devices such as a smart thermostat, smart light bulbs, or a smart speaker 
  • High-quality noise-canceling headphones
  • A portable phone charger or power bank 
  • A subscription to a tech magazine or online tech courses 
  • A virtual reality headset 
  • A drone with a built-in camera 
  • A high-speed external hard drive for extra storage 
  • A smartwatch with fitness tracking and notification features 
  • A wireless charging pad for smartphones and other devices 
  • A set of high-performance computer accessories such as a mechanical keyboard, gaming mouse, or ergonomic desk chair.  

Enjoy some delicious and fancy Christmas drink generated by AI: 
How about a White Chocolate Peppermint Martini? 


  • 2 oz white chocolate liqueur 
  • 1 oz vanilla vodka 
  • 1 oz peppermint schnapps 
  • 1 oz heavy cream 
  • Crushed candy canes for rimming the glass 
  • Whipped cream and additional crushed candy canes for garnish 


  1. Rim a martini glass with crushed candy canes by dipping the rim in water or simple syrup and then into the crushed candy canes. 
  2. In a shaker filled with ice, combine the white chocolate liqueur, vanilla vodka, peppermint schnapps, and heavy cream. Shake well and strain into the prepared martini glass. 
  3. Top with a dollop of whipped cream and sprinkle with additional crushed candy canes for garnish. 
  4. Enjoy your festive and delicious White Chocolate Peppermint Martini!