Rosengarten Mannehim

September 6 - 8


What is Hackfestival?

Technology and Sustainability coming together to find innovative solutions


combining a competitive hackathon and Citizen Track with engaging activities for the greater public.

In the competitive Hackathon participants will have 48 hours to solve challenges provided by the Challenge Setters under this year’s main topic “Decarbonize the Planet”. They will be divided into teams working on solutions, including design and business perspectives. Previous hackathon experience or participation is not required. The first step to secure participation is to register by clicking the button below!

In the Citizen Track for the greater public you are granted free access to exposition in which companies will be presenting themselves with their booths. There are also workshops, panel discussions and various demonstrations you can attend. The Citizen Track will provide a chance for people of any background to engage with experts and companies on topics regarding Technology and Sustainability. Visitors in the Citizen Track events of the festivals will have to book a ticket – entry is free.









OPEN UNTIL 30.08.2024









Benefits for
professionals and citizens

The only way you can predict the future is to build it.

Develop and
test out new skills

Acquire new skills, collaborate with others, and gain practical experience

Tackle decarbonization challenges

Address real-world issues and create impactful solutions in a hands-on environment. 

Make new

Foster new relationships, explore opportunities, and stay updated on industry trends and best practices  

Grow personally and professionally

Encourage self-challenge, learning, and pushing boundaries in a supportive environment, all while contributing to a greater cause and making a positive impact on the world. 

Win recognition
and awards

Gain valuable exposure and the chance to build a reputable industry presence based on your skill and expertise.

Break barriers
of innovation

At Hackfestival, everyone can participate in innovation. While professionals are solving real-world challenges, citizens can engage in participatory actions and learn more about how to change lives for the better.

Want to learn more about Hackfestival?

Make sure to click the button below and visit our dedicated page with detailed information, schedules and exhaustive FAQ's.

Challenge Partners

Find out more about the Challenge Setters, their Agenda on Sustainability and the Challenges!

As the market leader in enterprise application software, SAP is helping companies of all sizes and industries run better by redefining ERP and creating networks of intelligent enterprises that provide transparency, resiliency, and sustainability across supply chains. Their end-to-end suite of applications and services enables customers to operate profitably, adapt continuously, and make a difference worldwide.  

One of the core strategy pillars is to bring SAP’s purpose of “helping the world run better and improving people’s lives” to life with sustainability being firmly anchored in the business strategy, governance, and executive compensation system.  With the aim to be a net-zero enterprise by 2030, SAP intends taking climate action through dual approach as both enabler and exemplar to help pave the way toward a low-carbon future for customers, partners, and SAP, and create impact within planetary boundaries. 

 Hey, there’s carbon in my lunch! 

Did you know that one-third of global emissions stem from the food system, according to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization? Imagine the impact you can make by addressing this challenge head-on, especially when you’re responsible for the catering needs of over 110,000 employees (that is seven times more than the maximum capacity of the SAP Arena!). While we tirelessly collaborate with our catering partners worldwide to make local improvements, the real game-changer lies in tackling this issue on a global scale. 

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to develop a digital solution that helps decarbonize the planet by reducing emissions within the food system or specifically targeting food waste. This is your chance to contribute to a healthier planet and revolutionize how we manage food-related emissions on a grand scale! 

At Schwarz IT, we take care of the entire digital infrastructure and all software solutions for all users in our retail divisions Lidl and Kaufland, in Schwarz Production, and in our environmental services provider PreZero. We have a wide range of expertise in all areas of IT – from classic software development and IT consulting to AI applications and IT security. This makes us one of the biggest German players in the IT industry. 

Waste Not, Want Not! 

Schwarz Kaufland & Lidl, leaders in sustainable retail, are calling upon innovators like you to amplify our efforts to minimize food waste and reduce CO₂ emissions. With a commitment to sustainability, we strive to avoid surplus stock wherever possible. However, recognizing that waste is inevitable at times, we continuously seek to enhance our practices. Our existing initiatives, such as offering surplus food bags, demonstrate our dedication to the cause. 

Join us in our mission to further improve our waste reduction strategies by developing innovative solutions that empower both our customers and our operations. We aim to leverage technology and creativity to minimize waste generation and maximize resource efficiency across our stores and supply chains. 

Your challenge is to design a system that optimizes the management of surplus food items in Schwarz Kaufland & Lidl stores. This system should seamlessly identify, redistribute, and utilize excess inventory, reducing the need for disposal and minimizing the associated environmental impacts.  

Imagine a world where every unsold item finds a purposeful destination, whether it’s through innovative redistribution channels, creative upcycling solutions, or sustainable disposal methods. Your innovative approach could revolutionize the way surplus food is handled, setting a new standard for eco-friendly retail operations. Together, let’s push the boundaries of sustainability in retail and inspire positive change in our communities.  

Rise to the Schwarz Kaufland & Lidl Eco-Savvy Challenge today and be part of the solution to one of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges. Let’s create a greener tomorrow, one innovative idea at a time! 

We are the KION Group, and the world of intralogistics is our home. Our solutions ensure the smooth flow of materials and information in production plants, warehouses, and distribution centers in over 100 countries. We have around 42,000 employees who make a real difference, helping us to become who we are today: the biggest manufacturer of forklift trucks and warehouse handling equipment in Europe, and one of the world’s leading warehouse automation providers. 

KION Group IT is the technical heart of the Group. As an internal IT service provider, our colleagues develop innovative, digital solutions for our internal customers, support them in achieving their strategic goals – and shape the market in a pioneering way. 

As one of the global leaders in intralogistics, we embrace the enormous potential and particular responsibility in the area of sustainability. At the KION Group, we act upon this responsibility: We commit to fully embedding sustainability into our core business. 

Following a holistic decarbonization approach, KION pursues the long-term climate target of achieving net-zero GHG emissions along its entire value chain by no later than 2050 and is committed to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Beyond the company’s own operations, we will closely cooperate with our customers, suppliers and business partners regarding energy use, resource efficiency, GHG emissions reduction and adaptation action. 

Smart LLM Selector 

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in companies has increased significantly over the past year thanks to generative AI, particularly OpenAI’s Chat GPT and Google’s Gemini. Large Language Models (LLMs) form the basis of generative AI. Due to their complexity and the number of calculations required to train and operate them, these are very energy-intensive models. For example, some estimates show that training GPT-3 required around 300,000 kWh of electricity – that is equivalent to the electricity consumption of an average household in the US for almost 30 years! 

When it comes to the operation of LLMs, energy consumption depends on several factors, such as the size of the model, the number of queries and the hardware used. When using AI solutions in a corporate context, it is therefore important to ensure energy-efficient use. KION aims to make this advanced technology available to all 40,000+ employees in order to improve work processes and increase efficiency. However, given the large number of employees, providing this technology across the company would require a significant investment of resources in terms of energy consumption and infrastructure. Therefore, it is essential to develop a solution that allows the technology to be widely deployed while minimizing energy consumption and infrastructure impact to support both economic and environmental sustainability goals. 

As part of Hackfestival, we want to develop the “Smart LLM Selector”, an intelligent system that analyzes incoming prompts and selects the most suitable Large Language Model based on their complexity. The system uses simple heuristics to classify prompts as “simple” or “complex” and assigns them to either an energy-efficient, smaller model or a more powerful, larger model. This assignment enables an optimal balance between response quality and energy consumption. A simple user interface allows users to see the selection in real time and provides insight into the efficiency of the system. By implementing this system, we can maximize the performance of our AI infrastructure while minimizing energy consumption. 

This approach not only supports our sustainability goals through significant energy savings, but also strengthens our position as an innovative technology leader in the efficient and responsible use of AI. Join us in this exciting challenge and be a part of shaping the future of sustainable AI technology! Your innovative ideas and skills can drive us towards a more efficient and responsible AI-powered world. 

Roche, the leading global pharmaceutical and diagnostics company, has been at the forefront of sustainability and decarbonization efforts within the healthcare industry. The company’s dedication to social, environmental, and economic sustainability is advantageous to its operations, thereby creating value for all stakeholders. 

Their holistic approach to sustainability integrates three dimensions: 

  • Environment – minimizing the impact on nature
  • Society – contributing to a better tomorrow for all
  • Economy – investing in medical advances, creating jobs and ensuring livelihoods

Roche is dedicated to achieving carbon neutrality across its entire value chain by 2045. To achieve this goal, the company is integrating sustainability principles into the design and development of its pharmaceutical and diagnostic products. This integration is intended to minimize the company’s impact on the environment. Moreover, they aspire to create a carbon-neutral work environment for their employees. This is where your input is required. 

Carbon Footprint Champions Challenge 

Are you ready to empower employees to make a real difference in their carbon footprint? Our team is eager to understand and improve their workplace-related CO2 emissions, and they want to engage with others to drive positive change. 

We challenge you to create an innovative solution that enables registered employees to track and reduce their individual workplace-related CO2 footprint. Your mission is to develop a tool that provides personalized insights and actionable suggestions tailored to each employee’s role, location, and department-specific carbon emissions. By analyzing data from various sources, including energy consumption, transportation, and waste management, you’ll help employees make significant impacts in their daily work life. 

Join us in this exciting challenge to transform how we approach decarbonization in the workplace and become Carbon Footprint Champions! 

Die Stadt Mannheim mit dem „Local Green Deal“ und die Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar haben sich zusammengetan, um zwei spannende Challenges für euch zu entwickeln. Für beide hat Klimaschutz oberste Priorität. Mannheim wurde bereits im vergangenen Jahr mit dem EU-Missions Label für Klima-, Natur- und Umweltschutz ausgezeichnet und gehört damit zu 100 europäischen Städten, die bis 2030 klimaneutral werden wollen. Darüber hinaus ist Mannheim Pilotstadt für den Local Green Deal, mit dem europäische Klimaschutzziele auf lokaler Ebene erreicht werden sollen. Im Bereich der Wirtschaft haben die Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar und die Stadt Mannheim Bioökonomie als wichtigen Wirtschaftsfaktor für die Region erkannt und setzen dies im regionalen Entwicklungskonzept um.

Gemeinsam stoßen Stadt und Region Projekte, Maßnahmen und Vereinbarungen an, um die Lebensqualität aller zu verbessern. Sie haben viele Daten vorliegen, die als Grundlage für neue, innovative Lösungen für die Stadtgesellschaft und für die lokale Wirtschaft im Bereich Umweltschutz genutzt werden können. Die Lösungen können auch als gute Beispiele für andere Städte und Regionen auf europäischer Ebene verwendet werden.

Jetzt hast du die Chance, Teil einer bedeutenden Lösung zu sein und als Vorbild für Städte und Regionen in ganz Europa zu dienen! Lass dir die Chance nicht entgehen und setze dein Fachwissen und deine Kreativität bei einer der zwei spannenden Challenges ein:

1: EcoAware Challenge: Wissen und Bewusstsein schaffen!

Deine Umwelt liegt dir am Herzen und du möchtest andere inspirieren, bewusster mit ihr umzugehen und etwas zu verändern? Bei dieser Challenge hast du die Möglichkeit, Lösungen zu entwickeln, die den Bürger*innen Informationen an die Hand geben, wie sie unseren Planeten langfristig schützen können. Deine Aufgabe wird es sein, anhand zur Verfügung gestellter Daten ein Informations- und Serviceangebot für Bürger*innen zu entwickeln, das ihnen das benötigte Wissen zugänglich macht. Das Angebot soll informieren, begeistern und vor allem zum Nachdenken anregen.

Welches Format du dafür wählst und welche Umsetzung, ist dir völlig freigestellt. Du kannst eine App entwickeln, die den CO₂-Fußabdruck ermittelt, eine Plattform, die über lokale Naturschutzbemühungen informiert oder ein Belohnungssystem für umweltfreundliches Verhalten implementieren – deiner Fantasie sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. Aber eins ist sicher, deine Entwicklung macht die Welt grüner.

2: Kreislaufwirtschaft-Challenge: Aus Abfall neue Produkte machen!

Bist du bereit, die Art und Weise zu revolutionieren, wie wir mit Abfall umgehen? Möchtest du dazu beitragen, Stoffe so im Kreislauf zu führen, dass aus Abfällen neue Produkte entstehen? Dann stell dich einer der spannendsten Herausforderungen der Kreislaufwirtschaft und Bioökonomie! Wir suchen kreative Köpfe, die auf Basis bereitgestellter Daten zukunftsweisende Lösungen für ein verbessertes Stoffstrommanagement in Mannheim und der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar entwickeln.

Wir stellen dir spannende Daten zur Verfügung, mit denen du innovative Lösungen entwickeln kannst, um Stoffströme im Bereich der Kreislaufwirtschaft in Mannheim und der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar besser steuern zu können. Welches Format du dafür wählst und welche Umsetzung, ist dir völlig freigestellt. Erkenne den Nutzen von natürlichen Ressourcen und leiste einen Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigeren Welt, in der Produkte mehr als nur ein Leben haben!

Education Partners

Engage in-depth with our Education Partners and how they contribute!

Wir freuen uns, unsere Partnerschaft mit der Hacker School, dem führenden Anbieter von Programmierkursen für Jugendliche in Deutschland, bekannt zu geben. Als Bildungspartner des Hackfestivals wird die Hacker School eine zentrale Rolle dabei spielen, die nächste Generation von Tech-Talenten für den Kampf gegen den Klimawandel zu begeistern. 

Die Hacker School hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, jedem Jugendlichen die Möglichkeit zu geben, das Programmieren zu erlernen, bevor er sich für eine berufliche Laufbahn entscheidet. Mit ihren bewährten Kurskonzepten und ihrem engagierten Team steht die Organisation an vorderster Front, wenn es darum geht, digitale Kompetenz und die Programmierfähigkeiten junger Menschen zu fördern. 

Im Rahmen der Partnerschaft mit dem Hackfestival wird die Hacker School ihr Fachwissen und ihre Leidenschaft für Bildung nutzen, um einen Promptathon zu entwickeln, der auf die Bedürfnisse und Fähigkeiten von Teilnehmenden auf Anfängerniveau zugeschnitten ist. Der Promptathon bietet nicht nur eine unterstützende und spannende Lernumgebung, sondern ermöglicht jungen Talenten auch, konkrete Lösungen für die Dekarbonisierung beizusteuern. 

Wir freuen uns sehr, unsere Partnerschaft mit TUMO Mannheim, dem renommierten Zentrum für kreative Technologien, bekannt zu geben. Gemeinsam werden wir die nächste Generation von Innovatoren für die Herausforderungen der Dekarbonisierung stärken. 

TUMO ist ein bahnbrechendes Bildungsprogramm, das jungen Menschen die Verantwortung für ihr eigenes Lernen überträgt. Mit einer einzigartigen Mischung aus Selbstlernaktivitäten, Workshops und Projektlaboren fördert TUMO die digitale Kompetenz, Kreativität und Problemlösungsfähigkeiten junger Menschen. 

Indem wir die pädagogischen Inhalte und die Expertise von TUMO Mannheim in das Hackfestival integrieren, schaffen wir eine dynamische und fesselnde Erfahrung für unsere jungen Teilnehmenden. Sie werden die Möglichkeit haben, die Schnittstelle zwischen Technologie und Nachhaltigkeit zu erforschen, konkrete Lösungen zu entwickeln und ihre Talente einem größeren Publikum zu präsentieren. Durch die Nutzung der Expertise und Ressourcen des TUMO wird das Hackfestival eine einzigartige Lernumgebung schaffen, die die nächste Generation von Klimaschützenden und technologischen Innovatoren fördert. 

Während des Hackfestivals wird TUMO Mannheim Einblicke und Aktivitäten rund um das inspirierende Thema kreative Technologien anbieten. 

Das TECHNOSEUM ist eines der größten Technikmuseen Deutschlands. Die Ausstellung zeigt 200 Jahre Technik- und Sozialgeschichte. Es bietet Experimentierstationen zu Wissenschaft und Technik und verbindet Information mit Erlebnis. 

Lebendig wird es an der interaktiven Station des TECHNOSEUM beim Hackfestival. Am Funktionsmodell einer Dampfmaschine mit Stromgenerator kann beobachtet werden, wie thermische Kraftwerke kontinuierlich Treibhausgase in die Atmosphäre abgeben. 

Dedicated Partners

The green leaders supporting Hackfestival!

Want to learn more about Hackfestival?

Make sure to click the button below and visit our dedicated page with detailed information, schedules and exhaustive FAQ's.

Hackathon FAQ

Get the answers to the most important hackathon questions

A hackathon is a collaborative event where tech talents come together to solve problems, create innovative solutions, and compete for prizes within a limited timeframe.

Our hackathon is open to all tech talents and sustainability experts, regardless of skill level. This includes developers, designers, data analysts, students, and professionals from business and sustainability fields. Previous hackathon experience does not matter!

The official Hackfestival language is English – only challenges from Stadt Mannheim require German proficiency. We have marked each challenge correspondingly for your convenience.

No, you don’t! Registering solo is an excellent opportunity to meet new people, learn from others, and potentially find long-term project partners. So don’t hesitate – register now, and we’ll make sure you’re a part of an awesome team!

Please make sure to bring your laptop, charger, and any other devices or tools you might need. There’s a possibility to spend a night at Rosengarten, so feel free to bring your sleeping bag as well!

While we require a €19 ticket purchase during the registration, this amount is not a fee. Instead, it’s credited to your personal cashless account for use during the event. You can use these funds to buy food and drinks throughout the three-day hackathon. This system helps us plan effectively and reduce no-shows, while ensuring you have convenient funds available. In essence, participation is free, as you retain the full value of your ticket as spendable credit.

Read the full FAQ notes by clicking the button below!